Dental Implants

Great for single-tooth replacement cases and patients needing extra stability for entire arches of teeth, dental implants are titanium screw-like posts that integrate with your jawbone much like an actual tooth root would. Our Tampa, FL, dental implant dentist will recommend this solution if traditional dentures or bridges aren’t wanted and can thoroughly evaluate your oral health to determine whether you’re a proper candidate for the procedure.

Here’s what you need to know about choosing a dental implant for your smile.

The Uniqueness of Dental Implants 

Dental implants stand out as a superior solution for replacing teeth, offering unmatched strength and functionality. Unlike dentures, which can slip at times, or dental bridges that require the alteration of adjacent teeth, implants do not rest on top of the gums but instead are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a permanent and robust foundation for beautiful porcelain crowns

This integration with the jawbone not only ensures that the tooth implants remain securely in place but also stimulates bone growth, preventing bone loss that can follow tooth removal. Dental implants mimic how natural teeth function as well as look, allowing patients to eat, speak, and smile confidently without worrying about their replacement teeth shifting or falling out.

Get Evaluated for Dental Implants Today

The path to a brighter, more secure smile is within your reach! If you’re not a fan of regular dentures or a bridge, our dental implant dentist in Tampa, FL, can help get you started with a comprehensive evaluation to see if moving forward with this procedure is advised. Call Imagine Dental today at (813) 866-7080 to request an appointment.