
Fully removable and available in full or partial versions, dentures have long remained a trusted option for patients dealing with missing teeth. No matter if you need false teeth to fill in a smaller gap in your smile or find yourself without an arch of teeth post-extraction, our Tampa, FL, dentist can work with you to create an end product that feels natural and allows you to navigate everyday activities with ease.

Learn more about traditional dentures and how they work below.

When Dentures Come in Handy

As mentioned above, dentures are an excellent solution for individuals who have lost multiple teeth or even all of their teeth due to factors such as age, decay, injury, or periodontal disease. Ideal candidates for dentures are those who are missing a significant portion of their smile and are seeking a cost-effective, non-surgical way to restore teeth in terms of natural appearance and function. 

Dentures provide the necessary support for facial muscles, which helps maintain the structure of the face and prevents the sagging that can occur with tooth loss. They are also suitable for people who may not be candidates for dental implants due to insufficient bone density or other health issues. Additionally, dentures can greatly improve the ability to chew and speak, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Ask Us About Getting New Dentures

If you’re ready to regain your smile and oral functionality with dentures, our dentist in Tampa, FL, can get you started with a comprehensive consultation to assess your oral health, discuss your specific needs, and help you determine the best type for your situation. Don’t let missing teeth affect your confidence and everyday activities any longer – call Imagine Dental today at (813) 866-7080 to request an appointment.