Restorative Dentistry

Whether you’re dealing with damaged, decayed, or missing teeth, our Tampa, FL, dentist is here to bring back your smile’s health and integrity using a variety of solutions each intent on producing seamless results. Through a personalized approach that considers the needs of every patient, each treatment plan may feature the inclusion of dental implants, porcelain crowns, dental bridges, dentures, full mouth rehabilitation, and more.

If you’d like to know more about your options, we encourage you to first request an appointment or request a free consultation with Dr. Guerra. You can also call our office today at (813) 866-7080 or contact us online and a team member will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Restorative Dentistry Tampa Fl Dentist

Dental Implants

Great for single-tooth replacement cases and patients needing extra stability for entire arches of teeth, dental implants are titanium screw-like posts that integrate with your jawbone much like an actual tooth root would. Our dentist will recommend this solution if traditional dentures or bridges aren’t wanted and can thoroughly evaluate your oral health to determine whether you’re a proper candidate for the procedure.

Dentist Near Me Tampa Florida Dental Office

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Comprised of multiple dental procedures, full mouth rehabilitation restores both oral health and function to transform your smile. The process will begin with a one-on-one consultation and evaluation with our dentist so areas of concern can be addressed. Depending on what you need, we may target missing teeth, active cavities, gum disease damage, old restorations, jaw dysfunction, enamel erosion, and more.

Dentist Near Me Tampa Fl

Dental Crowns

Essentially a helmet or “cap” for a tooth, a dental crown’s main purpose is to protect and strengthen, though they can have cosmetic benefits as well. Our dentist will recommend a dental crown if a tooth is made vulnerable by decay, injury, or other damage like nighttime teeth grinding. Made to match your natural enamel shade, you won’t even notice where the seamless restoration has been placed once all is said and done.

Dentures Dentist In Tampa Fl


Fully removable and available in full or partial versions, dentures have long remained a trusted option for patients dealing with missing teeth. No matter if you need false teeth to fill in a smaller gap in your smile or find yourself without an arch of teeth post-extraction, our dentist can work with you to create an end product that feels natural and allows you to navigate everyday activities with ease.

Tooth Colored Fillings Dentist In Tampa Fl

Tooth-Colored Fillings

It goes without saying that cavities require attention, but that doesn’t mean that the treatment can’t be aesthetically pleasing. At Imagine Dental, our dentist exclusively places composite resin, or tooth-colored fillings instead of the more traditional metal amalgam alternative. The result is a fully restored tooth with no visible evidence of a cavity or intervention – it blends in with the rest of your smile that well! 

Dental Bridges Dentist In Tampa Fl

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are built to literally “bridge” the gap or space that has been left by one or more missing teeth. In addition to improving speech, oral health, and making eating your favorite foods easier, a bridge from our dentist also looks beautiful thanks to the tooth-colored porcelain that’s used for the dental crowns and false teeth, or pontics, situated directly over the gap.

Tooth Extraction Dentist In Tampa Fl

Tooth Extractions

When all other treatment options have been exhausted, tooth extraction is the last resort solution that our dentist will pursue to restore your smile. The process is straightforward and thanks to the administration of local anesthesia, painless. Aside from simple extractions, we also offer wisdom teeth removal at Imagine Dental for those in need of relief.

Dentist In Gulf Coast Tampa Florida Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment

Despite what many have been led to believe based on old-fashioned dental techniques of the past, the root canal procedure is meant to relieve, not cause, pain for patients. Root canal treatment is generally recommended and subsequently performed by our dentist when the soft inner part of a tooth called the pulp is badly injured or infected. Considered a more conservative option, this form of restorative treatment is designed to save teeth and help avoid extraction when possible.

Emergency Dentist Tampa Fl Dentist

Dental Emergencies

We don’t always plan for the surprises in life, especially those that center around our teeth or gums. However, when you have an extremely painful toothache or worse, a tooth that’s been fully knocked out, your dental emergencies deserve immediate assistance. Here to provide treatment soon after it happens, our dentist offers walk-in, same-day, and after hours appointments with the last option being at an additional cost.