Teeth Cleanings

An essential dental procedure that involves the removal of plaque and tartar from teeth, teeth cleanings serve to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Performed by our very own dental hygienists, these cleanings include scaling, polishing, and flossing to ensure teeth and gums remain healthy. The general rule of cleanings is to receive one every six months which our Tampa, FL, dentist advises so all patients can maintain their oral hygiene and prevent serious dental problems.

Learn more about how teeth cleanings work and why they’re important below.

The Process of a Routine Teeth Cleaning

1. Initial Examination

At the start of every teeth cleaning, one of our dental hygienists will thoroughly examine your mouth. Using a small mirror, they’ll check for any signs of gingivitis (early gum disease) or other potential concerns. If significant issues are detected at this time, Dr. Guerra may be called in to assess before we proceed with the cleaning.

2. Scaling

The next step is scaling, where our hygienists use a tool called a scaler to remove plaque and tartar buildup around the gumline and between the teeth. Tartar, which is hardened plaque, can only be removed with professional dental tools. This part of the process can produce some harmless scraping sounds, but it is vital in preventing gum disease.

3. Polishing

After scaling, the teeth are polished using a high-powered electric brush and gritty toothpaste. This deep cleaning method helps remove any remaining tartar and surface stains, leaving your teeth smooth and shiny. Polishing also smooths the tooth surfaces, making it harder for plaque to accumulate before your next cleaning.

4. Flossing

Following the polishing, our hygienists will floss your teeth. This step ensures that any remaining plaque or toothpaste from earlier in the cleaning process is removed from between the teeth. It also helps identify any areas where your gums might bleed, which can indicate gum disease.

5. Rinsing and Optional Fluoride

The final step often includes rinsing your mouth to wash away any debris, followed by a fluoride treatment which is designed to strengthen the tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. This treatment is not required but is highly recommended for children, teens, and adults with gum recession or a susceptibility to cavities. 

Call to Schedule Your Next Visit

Our dentist in Tampa, FL, encourages you to stick to a solid cleaning schedule in addition to at-home oral care so you’re able to maintain a bright, healthy smile. Don’t wait for problems to arise— call Imagine Dental today at (813) 866-7080 to request an appointment or contact us online!